Concerned ATU Students  Decry 6weeks Online Initiative

The student activist group, Concerned Students Association of Accra Technical University (COSA-ATU) has lamented over the double track system adopted by the management particularly the six (6) weeks of online lectures initiative.

According to a statement issued by the association, they experienced at first hand the loop holes and difficulties the online system presented during last the 2nd semester for the 2019/2020 Academic year.  

Students who didn’t have devices capable of accessing the internet and those in areas with low network coverage bore the brunt of that initiative.

“The buying of bundle by students not to mention students who were in areas where network was unavailable were the major problems faced”.

“If for any reason the institution can’t offer the full face to face teaching as expected, it is their mandate and duty to provide amenities for the students to replace the lack of face-to-face teaching, it added”.

Based on the President’s directive for all Universities to resume teaching-learning activities in January 2021, the Accra Technical University rolled out its academic calendar and strategy for the 2020 /2021 Academic year.

Considering COVID-19 pandemic and its restrictions, the Academic Board, during its meeting, agreed on a “blended mode of teaching and learning” and a double track system that will alternate between face-to-face lectures and online lectures.

A semester for each track will comprise, six (6) weeks of face-to-face lectures, six (6) weeks of online lectures and two (2) weeks of examination.

But the aggrieved students say, “if management deems fit that students should run a double shift system to curb the spread of Covid-19 then we the Concerned Students Association of Accra Technical University (COSA-ATU) request the management should make available data bundle for all students”.

Per the arrangement of the University, the second semester will commence on Monday, 17th May, 2021 and will run till Saturday, 4th September, 2021 with about seven thousand (7,000) students on each track.

Student Assignments and Quizzes will be done either online or during the face-to-face lectures but all practical courses will be undertaken while students are on campus.